Woman’s body is complex and delicate. Pregnancy changes a woman’s body in more ways than expected by many and that doesn’t stop when the baby is born. Delivering of a baby implies emotional, mental and physical exertion. Caring for a mother after birth is important because a new life coming into the world is the outcome of a lot of emotional and physical changes. Recovering from such a state can be extremely challenging and is often a period of extreme confusion and exhaustion for the mother and people around. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance ofthe care for mother and child immediately after delivery with specific diet and mode of life (Soothika Paricharya), by which the mother reverts to her normal pre-pregnancy state.

Our special post-delivery care package includes traditional ayurvedic massage, herbal paste application for body and face, medicated water bath, bandaging of abdomen, etc., and medication to restore of the health of mother and nourish all tissues of the body. We provide mother and child a calm, peaceful and hygienic recovery space during this very stressful period.

Treatment duration: 7/14 days

Package is inclusive of Ayurveda Pachakarma Therapies, internal medication during treatments, Food and Accommodation. 

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Contact Info

Amala Ayurvedic Hospital And Research Center,
Amala Nagar PO,
Thrissur - 680 555, Kerala, India
Whatsapp : +91 9188303000
Fax : +91 487 230 3030