Stress is not a disease in itself; it is a condition that can creep into anybody’s life affecting body - mind, physical bio-rhythms and mental equilibrium. Modern life is filled with hassles, deadlines, frustrations and demands. Stress has become a way of life in this scenario. Stress if left untreated for a long period of time can cause conditions like depression, anxiety, fatigue, sleep disorders, headaches, digestive disorders, irritability, emotional instability, etc. We consider stress as a major cause of the physical and mental illness. Ayurveda takes a holistic approach in the management of stress by healing it physically and mentally.

Stress management Programme includes specific Ayurvedic procedures like Vishesha Abhyanga(Special body massage), Shirodhara/Takradhara (irrigation of medicated oil or curd over the forehead), Thalapothichil (Herbal head pack), Padabhyanga (Foot massage) etc. this soothes the spastic muscles and tensed nerves thereby relieving stress and improving relaxation of body. The Package also includes internal medications that help to relieve fatigue and re-energize your body and mind.

In addition, the package encompasses customized yoga sessions. Yoga and meditation promote physical well-being, balancing a harmony between the mind, body and the soul. It encourages a good mood, an increase in mindfulness, and a healthy dose of self-compassion.

Treatment duration: 14 days

Package is inclusive of Ayurveda Pachakarma Therapies, internal medication during treatments, Food and Accommodation.

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Contact Info

Amala Ayurvedic Hospital And Research Center,
Amala Nagar PO,
Thrissur - 680 555, Kerala, India
Whatsapp : +91 9188303000
Fax : +91 487 230 3030