Pain is the major symptom in many of the diseases. Chronic pain is usually observed in joints such as hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle, muscles, spine, etc. often accomplished by arthritic condition, inflammation, degenerative diseases, trauma etc. Pain interferes with person’s quality of life and general functioning. However mild the pain is, it lands the person in a state of discomfort. Pain not only interferes with physical functioning but also causes impairment in attention control, working memory, mental flexibility, problem solving and information processing speed. The chronic pain may also associate with increased depression or anxiety. Many a time chronic pain leads to analgesic dependence and misuse. Thus resulting negative emotions, irritability and feeling of anger often have a negative impact on patient’s interpersonal relationships. We realize pain as highly a subject of body and mind. Our treatment plan comprises of different diagnostic methods in identifying the cause of pain, the disease and to eliminate it with unique customized treatment strategies. Ayurvedic panchakarma procedures such as Abhyangam, pizichil, dhara, elakizhi, etc along with yoga asanas are some means to promote physical well being by balancing a harmony between the mind and the body.